Sunday, December 31, 2023

My Lottery Weekly Best Picks!!!

Happy New Year!!! Play 704 815 926 037 148 259 360 471 582 them all straight boxes? Extra $1.00 straight on 704 926 037 148? If you would like to see this blog to continue through the new year then Cash app me at $davidvlaster or email me at

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Mr. Lottery Weekly Best Picks!!!

Mr. Lottery Gold Club!!! Way back in the year of 2000 when I started Mr. Lottery Players Club I got a call from a elderly lady that lived in a very small town in  southwest Ga. near the Georgia-Alabama line not very far from where I live now. Although at that time I lived in Macon Ga. She was given my name and number by another member that resided in the same town. She informed me that she had some very nagging bills that she wanted to get rid of and that she needed my help. She asked me how much it cost to join my club? I informed her that it cost just $50.00 and each time you have a straight hit you make a donation. I also told her that I would be in her area on Tuesday of next week and I would stop by and see her then. At that time I travelled around and distributed Mr. Lottery Hot Sheets in convenient stores all across the state and some stores in Ala. and Fla. I really enjoyed it! When I stopped by her house she gave me the $50.00 and asked her how much she needed to win! She told me that about $4,000.00 would set her free from those nagging bills! I told her that would be no problem and I gave her three numbers to play. And I told her I would talk to her the next day.  If my memory serves me correctly I told her to play 221, 231 and 222. But anyway the 222 hit that  Wed. 231 hit that Thursday and the 221 hit on Friday. But off the 222 she wired me by way of Western Union $500. She played it for herself and also for me as well. But anyway to make a long story short, by the end of 30 days she had won more than the $4,000.00 that she needed but had sent me over $1,500 in donations. I said all of that to say that she was the last of the loyal generation of my club members as she passed away this past August at the grand old age of 89. I will really miss you Mrs. Miller.  You were a very faithful member for more than 20 years. May you rest in peace. I will alway love you-you were one of a kind!!! And a very Special Person to me so many others!!! Play 056 167 278 389 490 501 612 723 834 them all straight boxes? Extra $1.00 straight 945 056 167 278?

Monday, December 25, 2023

Mr. Lottery Weekly Best Picks!!!

Merry Christmas!!! 085 196 207 318 429 530 641 752 863 them all straight boxes? Extra $1.00 straight on 752 974 275? Join Mr. Lottery Players Club? Cash app $50.00 to $davidvlaster to join now? We are win Big in Money 2024 and beyond!!!

Saturday, December 23, 2023

Mr. Lottery Weekly Best Picks!!!

Happy New Year!!! Play 300 411 522 633 744 855 966 077 188 299...330 441 552 663 774 885 996 007 118 them all straight and boxes? Extra $1.00 straight on 411 441 966 996? Join Mr. Lottery Gold Club? Cash app me $50.00 at $davidvlaster? Become a member of the winners circle for all 2024? Start the New Year off right?

Friday, December 22, 2023

Mr. Lottery Weekly Best Picks!!!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!! Play 111 222 333 444 555 666 777 888 999 000...Play them all $1.00? Extra $1.00 on 333 888 and 999? C ash 4's Play 4210 7312 and 0932 play them all straight and straight boxes? Ga. 5 and Cash 5 play 68733 and 68773... play them all straight and straight boxes? These are good for all states? My email address is and my Cash app address is $davidvlaster.

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Mr. Weekly Best Picks!!!

Merry Christmas!!! Play 481 592 603 714 825 936 047 158 269 them all straight boxes? Extra $1.00 straight on 592 925 529? My email is and my Cash app address is $davidvlaster.

Sunday, December 17, 2023

Mr. Lottery Weekly Best Picks!!!

Merry Christmas!!! 301 412 523 634 745 856 967 078 189 them all straight? Extra $1.00 straight on 745 856 967 078? My email is and my Cash app address is $davidvlaster.

Friday, December 15, 2023

Mr. Lottery Weekly Best Picks!!!

Happy Friday!!! Play 545 656 767 878 989 090 101 212 434 201...544 655 766 877 988 099 100 211 them all straight boxes? Extra $1.00 straight on 201 101 and 100? Email me at and Cash app me at $davidvlaster

Saturday, December 9, 2023

Mr. Lottery Weekly Best Picks!!!

Okay those Triples are you Secret Santa This year!!! WATCH THEM??? 888 and 999 are the ones to put extra money on it you can!!!

Thursday, December 7, 2023

Mr. Lottery Weekly Best Picks!!!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!! Play 111 222 333 444 555 666 777 888 999 000...Play them all $1.00? Extra $1.00 on 333 and 888? C ash 4's Play 4210 7312 and 0932 play them all straight and straight boxes? Ga. 5 and Cash 5 play 68733 and 68773... play them all straight and straight boxes? These are good for all states? My email is dl 2239 and my Cash app address is $davidvlaster!

Monday, December 4, 2023

Mr. Lottery Weekly Best Picks!!!

Good Morning!!! 079 180 291 302 413 524 635 746 857 them all straight boxes? Extra $1.00 straight on 079 180 291 302?

Friday, December 1, 2023

Mr. Lottery Weekly Best Picks!!!

Happy Friday!!! Play 137 248 359 460 571 682 793 804 915 them all straights and boxes? Extra $1.00 straight on 137 248 460 804? My email address in and my Cash app address in $davidvlaster!!!