Sunday, November 26, 2023

Mr. Lottery Weekly Best Picks!!!

Good Morning!!! Play 269 370 481 592 603 714 825 936 047 them all straight boxes? Extra $1.00 straight on 825 936 047?

Sunday, November 19, 2023

Mr. Lottery Weekly Best Picks!!!

Thanksgiving Day 1999!!! Thanksgiving Day 1999!! It was Thanksgiving Day Nov. 25, 1999 and was a day similar today and I had moved from Macon Ga. back to my hometown of Americus Ga. During that time I would call back to the radio WIBB station every weekday morning during the The Doug Banks Morning Show at 8: 00 am and during the break I would give out the Cash 3 Lottery numbers! At that time the station had roughly 25,000 to 27,000 daily listeners! On that morning I just happened to call in. I didn't even know if I would be on the air. But like usual the DJ Greg Roberts answer the phone and said hold on a minute Mr. Lottery let me do this commercial and I will be right back with you? And he came back on and introduced me by saying alright everybody you know what time it is and he is on the phone right now!!! Mr. Lottery!!! What are the lucky numbers for today? And I came on and I said this! As everybody knows that tomorrow is Black Friday! And I am going to send everyone shopping tomorrow! Therefore: I want everyone to pay 000 Midday today? And the rest is lottery History because 000 hit that Midday! The DJ even won him $500! I had a Lady in Americus to hunt me down to give me $50.00 and she did not even know me but she asked around and found me! She said I had been such a blessing to her and her family that she was able to buy all her Christmas gifts! And I want you to know that until this day payout that day for 000 has not been broken!!! DATE DRAW WINNING NUMBERS WINNERS TOTAL PAYOUT 11/25/1999 EVENING 7 5 4 3,381...$355,309 11/25/1999 MIDDAY 0 0 0 30,355...$10,613,019

Mr. Lottery Weekly Best Picks!!!

Good Day!!! I want twenty members that visit this site to Cash app me $50.00 and I in turn will post the winning numbers so that every one can go shopping on Good Friday??? My Cash app address is $davidvlaster and my email address is

Friday, November 17, 2023

Mr. Lottery Weekly Best Picks!!!

Happy Friday!!! 987 098 109 210 321 432 543 654 765 876... play them all straight box? Extra $1.00 straight on 987 098 109 765? $davidvlaster Cash app me?

Saturday, November 11, 2023

Mr. Lottery Weekly Best Picks!!!

Good Evening!!! Play 171** 282** 393*** 404 515 626 737 848 959 060... 717* 828* 939** 040 151 262 373 484 595 them all straights and boxes? Extra $1.00 straight on 171 515 717 151? Cash app address is $davidvlaster and my email is

Friday, November 10, 2023

Mr. Lottery Weekly Best Picks!!!

Happy Friday!!! 969 070 181 292 303 414 525 636 747 858... 696 707 818 929 030 141 252 363 474 them all straight and boxes? Extra $1.00 straight on 070 and 707?

Sunday, November 5, 2023

Mr. Lottery Weekly Best Picks!!!

Good morning!!! Play 779 880 991 002 113 224 335 446 557 668 780 890 them all straights and boxes? Extra $1.00 straight on 808 880 088-800? Cash 4's Play 0958 1958 2958 3958 4958 5958 6958 7958 8958 the all straights and boxes? Extra $1.00 straight on 0958 4958 6958 9958?

Thursday, November 2, 2023

Mr. Lottery Weekly Best Picks!!!

Good Evening!!! Play 171 282 393 404 515 626 737 848 959 060... 717 828 939 040 151 262 373 484 595 them all straights and boxes? Extra $1.00 straight on 171 515 717 151? My Cash app address $davidvlaster Please try our High Quality Products?