Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Mr. Lottery Weekly Best Picks!!!

"Helping people realize their dreams through the Pick 3 lottery since 1997~Mr Lottery Turns Your Ticket Into Cash!!!"

Cash 3
893-830-983-929-299-290-246-255-453-426-543-525...play all straight box? Extra $1.00 straight on 893-830-983-246-426-453?

Cash 4
3893-3830-0983-4929-7299-7290-7246-7255-9453-9426-0543-0525...play all straight box? Extra $1.00 straight on 3893-3830-0983-7246-9426-9453?

dl2239@yahoo.com or 229-435-0253

Sunday, June 2, 2019

Mr. Lottery Weekly Picks!!!

"Helping people realize their dreams through the Pick 3 lottery since 1997~Mr Lottery Turns Your Ticket Into Cash!!!"

Cash 3
546-555-456-455-545-446-369-387-684-639-864-837...play all straight box? Extra $1.00 straight on 546-555-369-639?

Cash 4
0546-0555-9456-9455-0545-9446-8369-8387-1684-1639-3864-3837...play all straight box? Extra $1.00 straight on 0546-0555-8369-1639?

dl2239@yahoo.com or 229-435-0253