Thursday, July 23, 2015

How to purchase Pick 3 and Pick 4 Quick Picks

"Helping people realize their dreams through the Pick 3 lottery since 1997~Mr Lottery Turns Your Ticket Into Cash"

This is my theory on Quick Picks. If you play in a state that has both Pick 3 and Pick 4 his is what you do. Purchase Pick 4 Quick Picks and play the front three and the back three numbers in the Pick 3 drawings. You do the same for Pick 4 purchase Pick numbers and play those in the Pick 4 drawings. In this situation you might have to use your judgement and choose the ones that you have seen in you workout a lot. Once you select the numbers that you are going to use as you back 3 in the Pick 4 you then walk those numbers down. What do I mean by walk these numbers down? It is very simple! Say for instance if you are going to use 123 as your back 3 numbers then you place 123 on you paper 10 times then you would add to the front side 0 all the way down to 9? It would look like this:


You would play these straight and box in the Pick 4 drawings.

Would you like to get a set of Quick Picks without buying them? Okay if you have a Calculator put in the last numbers draw in Pick 3 and Pick 4 and then you continue to punch the plus key and write those numbers down. Get as many as you like!!! For Pick 3 write down only the back 3 numbers. If you do any type of workout you should see some of the same numbers contain in your work out. I work from a rundown system so I know which numbers connect to each other. If you continue to do this on a regular basses you should see a pattern developed? And this is your tip for today!!!

Give me a call at 229-435-0253 or email me at .

Friday, July 10, 2015

Addition And Subtraction Numbers!!!

"Helping people realize their dreams through the Pick 3 lottery since 1997~Mr Lottery Turns Your Ticket Into Cash"

Today Could Be The Day???

How does 4 straight hits a week sound to you???

Give me a call at 229-435-0253 or email me at .

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Addition and Subtraction Numbers!!!

It said that it takes Pick 3 and 4 numbers anywhere from 3 to 7 day to hit. I heard it said many times you have to stay on your numbers until they hit or fall. However, there is another way for you to hit them a great deal faster. It is quite simple, just go back into you workout 3 days or 7 days and look your numbers up? This is assuming that you do have a useful workout? For instance today is Sunday July 05, 2015. Man! This year is already over half way gone. Sunday numbers with my workout usually comes off of Friday or either the previous Sunday workout numbers. I can even take it further and say that if you save your workouts and I do. I have years of workout right here in my office. I can go back years if I need to. So on any given Sunday I can go back from Sunday to Sunday to Sunday and the numbers that will be draw today-Sunday July 13, 2014 can be found in those workouts. Now, that sounds easy but it is not quite that easy. You still have to connect them with the numbers that was draw the previous day. In this case that would be Saturday numbers.  And the will connect in some way. Just some food for thought on my theory on Pick 3 and 4 workouts. Now I want you to test my theory out with your workout that you are currently using and let me know what you think? Mr Lottery

Cash 3


Cash 4


Big Money??? Big Money???
Cash 3 or Pick 3 It is the best game in town!!!
For the best lottery numbers in America please contact Mr Lottery? Let me put my 17 years of experience got to work for you. I specialize in picking the Pick 3 and 4 lottery numbers for any state. 229-435-0253. or 229-435-0253