Sunday, August 31, 2014

Addition and Subtraction Numbers!!!

Cash 3...711-289-107...394-406-994...208-108-972...083-213...002-082...611-389-705...290-710-558...057-943-069...415-585-551...004-046...033-683...418-582-184...368-632-586...742-914.

Cash 4...2711-7289-6107...8374-9406-4994...7208-6108-3872...5083-7218...5002-9082...1611-8389-2705...7290-2710-0558...5057-4943-9069...9415-0585-0551...5004-9046...5033-1683...9418-0582-6184...8368-1632-0586...7258-2742-0914.

If you found yourself constantly playing the lottery and not winning-then join my team. Let me go to work for you so that you can get the desired results. I have over 17 years of experience doing just that. I specialize in Pick 3 and Pick 4. I can help win the Big One!!! Give me a call or email??? or 229-435-0253

Saturday, August 30, 2014

The Labor Day $10,000.00 Weekend Special!!!

Okay Players are you ready for $10,000.00 a week?
If you a Lottery Player $10,000.00 a week is now possible. What could you do with $10,000.00 a week? Have you thought about it?
Okay I ready to reveal the $10,000.00 Numbers!!! I am not going to tell which states will get them you will just have to take a chance and play them in your particular state or states  if you play more than one state. All I ask is that you make a sizable donation to Mr Lottery for revealing these numbers to you. And here they are:


Okay Conn. got 389 Midday!!! Wow!!!


Good Luck and do not forget who help win all of this money. Oh!!! By the way if you play here in the US you know that you have to play these number at a rate of $20.00 straight on each. However if you play online you only have to wager around $12.00. Good Luck!!! And Remember that: or 229-435-0253

Give me a call if you need my advise or help. I am always here for you?

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Can You Say $10,000.00 A Week???

Okay Ga. Players are you ready for $10,000.00 a week?
If you a Georgia Lottery Player $10,000.00 a week is now possible. What could you do with $10,000.00 a week? Have you thought about it?

Remember??? "Mr Lottery Turns Your Ticket Into Cash"

This is a $10,000.00 Labor Day Weekend???!!! or 229-435-0253

Monday, August 25, 2014

Lottery Numbers

Lottery Numbers

Lottery Numbers (Albany)
Lottery Numbers (Albany Georgia)
Don't have hours to spend analyzing the numbers?
Then let me do it for you?
You do not have to spend hours reading an E-Book.
You do not have buy another lottery system that do not work.
You do not have to be confused any more.
You do not worry about what numbers to pick. I will do that for you. or call 229-435-0253???

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Big Money!!! Big Money!!! Big Money!!!

"Mr Lottery Turns Your Tickets Into Cash"

Big Money!!! Big Money!!! 

Big Money!!! Big Money!!!
Big Money!!! Big Money!!!
Cash 3 or Pick 3 It is the best game in town!!!
For the best lottery numbers in America please contact Mr Lottery!!! Let me put my 17 years of experience got to work for you. I specialize in picking the Pick 3 and 4 lottery numbers for any state. or 229-435-0253

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Addition and Subtraction Numbers!!!

Cash 3...169-831-511...337-663-505...132-868-726...163-837-609...246-754-162...149-851-403...410-590-814...336-664-880...408-592-236...100-900-676...227-773-405...448-552-408...620-380-050...029-971-187.

Cash 4...6169-3831-0511...8337-1663-0505...6132-3868-2726...6163-3837-1609...7246-2754-6162...6149-3854-9403...9410-0590-3814...8336-1664-3880...9408-0592-7236...6100-0900-1676...7227-2773-9405...9448-0552-9408...1620-8380-9050...5029-4971-6187.

Are you in or out today??? or 229-435-0253.

Big Money!!!

Look what I gave out to one of my member to play this morning???

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Mr Lottery Back To School Specials

Get In On Mr Lottery Special Back To School Workout This Weekend!!!

The kids are either back in school or getting ready to go. So you know that you need some extra dough. This weekend you can win some extra money with the help or Mr Lottery and do it at a discount.

"Mr Lottery Turns Your Tickets Into Cash"

Big Money??? Big Money??? (Albany Georgia)

Big Money??? Big Money??? (Albany)
Big Money??? Big Money???
Cash 3 or Pick 3 It is the best game in town!!!
For the best lottery numbers in America please contact Mr Lottery? Let me put my 17 years of experience got to work for you. I specialize in picking the Pick 3 and 4 lottery numbers for any state. or 229-435-0253

Sunday, August 10, 2014

How Are Pick 3 Lottery Numbers Drawn?

How are the Pick 3 Lottery Draw?

Now when I do my workout to select the right numbers for your state I try to look at what numbers have been drawn over the past 10 days. By looking at my workout for the current draw to see what numbers are showing from past drawings and I am looking to see what numbers are they going up or down on; because basically when Pick 3 and 4 numbers are drawn they go up or down on numbers that have already been drawn. It can be neither Pick 3 or Pick 4. In the State with both Pick 3 and 4 these drawings they go back and forth between both games all the times. Sometime the Pick 3 go up or down on the Pick 4 numbers and vice-verse. If you observe just the back three numbers in Pick 4 in your state you will see what I mean? I say this all the time-Pick 4 numbers are just a Pick 3 numbers with an extra number added to the front. When I do my workout I eliminate the front number of the Pick 4 and just work with the back 3 numbers. If I am trying to come up with the Pick 4 numbers I am looking also for Pick 3 numbers that keep repeating them selves. One I isolate these numbers then I all have to do is walk these numbers down from 0 through 9 to get my Pick 4 combinations. For an example if I think that the back three numbers of the Pick 4 are 123 the I just add my front numbers. It would look like this: 0123-1123-2123-3123-4123-5123-6123-7123-8123-9123 and this is the way I do it.

Addition and Subtraction Numbers

Cash 3...804-196-926...450-550-332...132-868-606...414-586-430...122-878-372...383-617-311...207-793-839...197-803-671...211-470-573...289-711-475...594-406-844...370-630-208...192-808-554...255-745-185.

Cash 4...3804-6196-4926...9450-0550-8332...6132-3868-1606...9414-0586-9430...6122-3878-8372...8383-1617-8311...7207-2793-3839...6197-3803-1617...7211-9470-0573...7238-2711-9475...0594-9406-3844...8370-1630-7208...6192-3808-0554...7255-2745-6185.


Make a donation and get winning lottery numbers Pick 3 and 4 for your state. Put my 17 years of experience to work for you. Send donations to David Laster Albany Ga. 31721 must be Western Union or Money Gram?

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

It's Raining Money!!!

How To Make Money Rain Down On You???

make it rain

Mr Lottery Turns Your Ticket Into Cash"

Are You In Or Out???

Big Money!!! Big Money!!!
Cash 3 or Pick 3 It is the best game in town!!!
For the best lottery numbers in America please contact Mr Lottery? Let me put my 17 years of experience got to work for you. I specialize in picking the Pick 3 and 4 lottery numbers for any state. 229-435-0253 or email me at . Western Union and Money Gram payments only?

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Addition And Subtraction Numbers

Cash 3

Cash 4