From The Desk Of Mr Lottery
Good Morning!!!
Weekly blog listing of lottery numbers posted by David Laster aka Mr Lottery 15, Mr. Lottery. Addition, Rundown, and Subtraction are posted every Sunday morning. Lottery Numbers, Cash 3, Cash 4, Helping people realize their dreams through the Pick 3 lottery since 1997 Lottery Results "Mr Lottery Turns Your Ticket Into Cash"
Good Morning!!!
Play the Lottery? You Bet
What would this mean to you???
WOW...WOW...WOW,Mr. Lottery Thanks for the number system I'm sure nuff a winner!!! right when I need it. He knows his stuff and how to work what he do!!! Melody on Addition and Subtraction Numbers
Lp Coleman on 7/18/13
This is a average budget with the Pick 3 Lottery.
It said that it takes Pick 3 and 4 numbers anywhere from 3 to 7 day to hit. I heard it said many times you have to stay on your numbers until they hit or fall. However, there is another way for you to hit them a great deal faster. It is quite simple, just go back into you workout 3 days or 7 days and look your numbers up? This is assuming that you do have a useful workout? For instance today is Sunday July 13, 2014. Man! This year is already over half way gone. Sunday numbers with my workout usually comes off of Friday or either the previous Sunday workout numbers. I can even take it further and say that if you save your workouts and I do. I have years of workout right here in my office. I can go back years if I need to. So on any given Sunday I can go back from Sunday to Sunday to Sunday and the numbers that will be draw today-Sunday July 13, 2014 can be found in those workouts. Now, that sounds easy but it is not quite that easy. You still have to connect them with the numbers that was draw the previous day. In this case that would be Saturday numbers. And the will connect in some way. Just some food for thought on my theory on Pick 3 and 4 workouts. Now I want you to test my theory out with your workout that you are currently using and let me know what you think? Mr Lottery